Based on the success of these projects, we were very happy to be invited back to the WAGCG for an opportunity to participate and present at the group meeting focused on case studies of new technologies in Perth on March 1st.
Emil Svanberg, CEO of RockSigma, presented “Seismic Data Innovations from the world’s largest underground iron ore mines”, combining some previously published results with recent findings from our work with the iron ore mines of LKAB.
The presentation was well received and we were able to engage in multiple follow-up conversations likely to lead to good things in the future. A successful event altogether.
The Western Australian Ground Control Group is a forum for discussion on ground control practices in the mining industry, with multiple meetings each year in Perth and Kalgoorllie. The group, which has been around for nearly 20 years, welcomes membership and contributions from those involved with ground control from mining, consulting, contracting and supply companies, from universities and government.
Learn more about the WAGCG at and join the discussion on Linkedin at